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Common Toxins and Poisons (Dogs and Cats)

Here is a list of the most common toxins and poisons in dogs and cats. This list is not exhaustive. If you suspect your pet has come into contact with anything below or any other potential toxins please contact us immediately for advice.


  • Alcohol

  • Avocado

  • Batteries

  • Caffeine - coffee grounds, beans and tea

  • Chocolate especially (not white chocolate)

  • Ethylene Glycol/ Antifreeze

  • Grapes and raisins, even in small amounts

  • Heavy metals inc lead, zinc and iron

  • Human medications (some can be toxic)

  • Ibuprofen

  • Insecticides - household and garden including cockroach baits

  • Macadamia and almond nuts, even in small amounts

  • Metaldehyde - Snail/ slug bait

  • Mycotoxin - from compost and mouldy food

  • Nicotine

  • Onion, garlic and chives - in any form - raw /cooked/ powder

  • Organophosphates - in insecticides

  • Paracetamol

  • Pear pips, apple core pips, potato peelings

  • Rat Bait/ anticoagulant rodenticides

  • Xylitol - artificial sweetener

  • Fertilisers - e.g. Blood and Bone

  • Snake bites

  • Spider Bites

  • Essential oils - e.g. tea tree, peppermint, eucalyptus oils

  • Ethylene glycol/ Antifreeze

  • Human medications (some can be toxic)

  • Lillies - any contact as they can inhale the pollen

  • Metaldehyde - snail/ slug bait

  • Permethrin - in Advantix, some tick collars and many household/ garden insecticide sprays.

  • House plants - a number of exotic houseplants are toxic to cats

  • Paracetamol


In both cats and dogs, we do not recommend feeding a range of human foods. Apart from the toxic foods above, a number of foodstuffs may still be harmful for your pet in the long term e.g. dairy, foods high in fat and sugar. Their dietary needs are different to humans, and long term they can lead to health issues.



If you are concerned that your pet may have eaten/ come into contact with any of the above items or any other potential toxins please contact us immediately for our advice. In general the best outcome occurs with prompt treatment.

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